Recent Publications:
Innovations in Refugee Protection: A Compendium of UNHCR’s 60 Years, Including
Case Studies on IT Communities in Humanitarian Operations, Vietnamese Boat People in
Singapore, Chilean Exile and Namibian Repatriation. Peter Lang Academic Publishers: New York, Frankfurt. 2013.
Academics and Practitioners, Mobilizing Academic Involvement for UN Humanitarian Action, Journal of International Organization Studies. 2010 – Volume 1, Issue 1;
Recent UN Studies Initiatives, in UN Studies, Umrisse eines Lehr-und Forschungsfeldes, ed. Manuel Froehlich; The United Nations and Global Change of NOMOS (series). 2008, pp.193-209.
Refugee Policies in Eurasia: The CIS Conference and EU Enlargement Process 1996-2005.
Published by UNHCR, Research Paper No. 129 in the Series New Issues in Refugee Research, and MIT Program on Human Rights and Justice (PHRJ). 2006. and
Reviews include:
Dean Martha Minow’s final remarks at Dr. Druke’s Innovations in Refugee Protection book talk, March 6, 2014, Harvard Law School:
It is a fantastic chance to have a window on Luise’s remarkable work and also to learn what it takes to draw lessons from this challenging work. I want to thank you for your presence in our community and for sharing your insights informally and in the book. Everyone here [in the room] has moved once or more in [their lives]. You know how dislocating that is. Imagine if it’s under the circumstances that produce refugees. Imagine if it’s in the circumstances where you have no confidence about your future. [What are t]he prospects of actually providing real assistance under in those circumstances with[in a] quickly changing political environment. What is the role of law? What is the role of any kind of rights? It is a great idea. This book will actually demonstrate what it actually looks like to make rights and law mean something on the ground. I am honored by your presence here.
And I want to commend the Library here for its support of this work and next time you are in the library and see someone working really hard, they may be working on a book as great as this one.